Random interval auto clicker runescape alch
Random interval auto clicker runescape alch

random interval auto clicker runescape alch

If the player responds immediately/the reporter doesn't speak to him directly using his name "Hey Player, you there?" it likely means that the report is fake. Encourage players to report suspicious actions, tell them to ask the suspicious characters if they are alive. (Some humans got problems with that too) Doesn't matter how many mistakes he makes, If he can't do it for 10 minutes/loggs out add this to his record. No bot so far has been able to handle that. For instance the player gets> teleported and then he is supposed to type in the Captcha. Try to implement the web Captcha once every few hours if it is a browser game it will be easy to do. if he repeats this action every five minutes +- (1-2)% for 5hours, mark him as suspicious. Player clicks on something, then after some time he clicks again.

random interval auto clicker runescape alch

Make up a Log for actions and if the time between the actions is nearly identical mark that person as a bot. Some stay up for 40 hours, I hardly believe it is Redbull rather than C++ :) Add it to his record if he plays over X hours. In the game Tibia there is a fan website where anyone can see the online time of all players. if a player has an "insomniac" entry (playing over 20h/day) mark him automatically as suspicious. (less complex)įirst thing you want to set, is the player online time table. Players can set up an auto mouse to click in one point. the minimap, always one exact pixel in the players current pos. (ultra hard to detect).Ĭlicking on one specific gamespot for eg. There are a few types of auto clicking bots (I scripted bots for RuneScape) and there you would have:Ĭlicking on a specific 3d game object mesh inside the editor, all objects have an id. (my no.1 suggestion, as it is not in your business to bannish players, and if the game itself is boring it is only your fault)Ģ) As for the detection of an auto clicker. There are a few things you can do to detect/stop these guys: 1) Disable the part were the clicking occurs, if people need a bot to do some action it is simply too boring for a human being. That can be tricky if the auto clicker has a Random var for the interval inbetween the clicks.

Random interval auto clicker runescape alch